Citadelle of Quebec

This is the largest active fortress in Canada. It is the home of the Royal 22e Regiment. The changing of the guard is presented every Tuesday at 10AM.

Plains of Abraham

The Plains of Abraham is where the British invaded and took over Quebec. This happened in 1759. The British climbed the steep cliff during the night and surprised the French. The battle lasted a little less than an hour. A park was created in the early 1900s.

The land where the battle occurred was owned by my ancestor Abraham Martin. Hence the name of the Plains of Abraham. He was a fisherman and a river pilot. The land was just outside the city walls.

Parc Montmorency

Lots of construction going on around this area as well as most of Quebec. At this park there is a statue of Louis Hebert, the first Canadian farmer and his wife. This was the location of their farm.


The hotel was right on the edge of Old Quebec. We could do lots of walking around.